During the past two years, a number of carriers have taken the plunge and introduced their own OTT service or added mobile VoIP as a new delivery mechanism for their existing services. This paper gives a snapshot of the current state of mobile VoIP in Western Europe and addresses the questions and challenges carriers face when planning to launch service.
Cicero Networks has been working with mobile VoIP since 2002 and has closely monitored market development over the past ten years. While individual services have been launched during that time, there is now real evidence that the technology is becoming mainstream. The number of product enquiries received by Cicero has reached a level not seen since 2006 and has prompted Cicero to conduct this market review.
The review examined the operations of 113 operators across 18 countries in Southern, Western and Northern Europe. It focuses on operators that operate their own transport network, whether fixed or mobile. While the data here relates to Western Europe, the pattern is not dissimilar to that observed in other regions.
In considering OTT, each operator is presented with similar challenges and asks similar questions regarding the business opportunity and the approach to implementation. The second part of this paper raises some of those questions and provides feedback based on our experience and that of our operator customers over the years.